
How to Invest: Becoming a Millionaire | Phil Town

hey guys I'm Phil town from rule number one investing and today what I want to talk about are eight simple steps that you need to take to build your wealth these are eight really important steps that come down to us from the best investors in the world

The Best Ways to Learn How to Invest - Phil Town

hi you guys I'm Phil town from rule 1 investing and I'm really excited to talk about what kind of investment training

Some common questions I get on a dail
y basis are how can I start investing what kind of training do I need what kind of resources do I need to get started so I'm really glad you guys asked that and let's dig into it in this video first off anyone can start investing right anyone can start investing I started investing I was a river guide in
the Grand Canyon right so I love the idea that you guys can get out there and do this stuff and that's why I do what I do that's why I do these kinds of videos and books and all this other stuff so most people know by now you know that I was making like four thousand dollars a year when I first got rollin out there in the Grand Canyon